Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson
Founding CEO, Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Unite Entreprenuership Centres

Mark C. Thompson is a senior operating executive and New York Times bestselling author with 30 years coaching high-acheiving laders, including Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins and Charles Schwab. Today he is founding CEO of Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Unite Entrepreneurship Centres. The Virgin group has over 350 companies. 

Mark was Chairman of Rioport, which popularized the MP-3 player before iTunes. He was a Board member of Interwoven during the Nasdaq IPO and then sold to HP. He was Chairman of the Integration, which was sold to Silicon Labs. At his alma mater, Stanford University, Mark was a founding advisor of the Real-Time Venture Design Lab, where he's been a board member and investor in over a dozen innovative companies. He is founding board member of the John F. Kennedy University Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership, where he received the institute's first ever Lifetime Achievement Award. 

Mark was an operating executive at Charles Schwab reporting to the Chairman, Charles 'Chuck' Schwab. Mark was on the team that launched Schwab as an NYSE IPO, and he was the first Retail & Institutional Investor Officer, first Chief Customer Experience Officer and Executive Producer of, and Chief Communications Officer. 

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